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​JIS10K Cast Iron Flange End Globe Valves are globe valve made in accordance with ASME B16.10 / ASME B16.34 / API 602 standard. It is designed with a wheel shape handle and suitable for throttling application. Globe valve consists a part element namely disc which connected to a stem which allow user to regulating the flow in pipeline. 

Globe Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Non Rising Stem Gate Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Wafer Butterfly Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K 

Vertical Check Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Swing Check Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Y Strainer Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Reduced Bore Ball Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Foot Valve

Cast Iron JIS10K

Flexible Joint

Cast Iron JIS10K


Nominal pressure 16 bar; maximum internal allowable pressure (in bar) of a mechanical component, considering a temperature of 20 °C.

Globe Valve

Cast Iron PN 10-16

Metal Seated Non Rising

Stem Gate Valve Cast Iron PN10-16

Water and Lug Type Butterfly Valve with Pin Cast Iron PN10-16

Silence Check Valve

Cast Iron PN10-16

Ball Valve

Cast Iron PN10-16

Swing Check Valve

Cast Iron PN10-16

Flange Y Strainer Valve

Cast Iron PN10-16

Foot Valve With Screen

Cast Iron PN10-16

Flexible Joint

Cast Iron PN10-16

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Untuk konsultasi dan juga pemesanan, hubungi kami, sales (Billy) di nomor Tlp : +6285186889905

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